Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Wandering: January walk by the reservoir

Just look at that:

We went for a walk along the reservoir with the boys. There are many reservoirs around here, pooling in the clefts of the Peaks, but this is our favourite for a little walk with little ones. There's a sailing club at its edge, which means we sometimes get to see races. It can be still as a millpond, like today, or choppy like the sea. A little path runs alongside it, on a wooded ridge between the reservoir and the stream, and next to that we occasionally pass beautiful waters edge houses that you would dream to live in. Sometimes, like today, we also walk along the reservoir dam, marvelling at the steep grassy slope to the other side and the fast rush of channeled water heading down to the natural river below. I tell you, Ratty and Moley would have the fright of their lives if their nonchalent river boat raced down those rapids.
The sun was not far off setting, but the birds and wildfowl did not seem ready for bed yet, and neither did the fishermen we passed. Neither did our boys for that matter. They consider this exploring territory. And there was the amazing skate ramps in the park at the other side. We had to drag the two-year-old away kicking and screaming, quite literally, as he just could not bear to leave the sight of the crazy Big Boys defying gravity on their BMX's. Something for everyone.

I should've taken a photo of them, but it didn't seem quite right to snap strangers and then stick them on the web, especially other peoples' children! Have a silhouette of a fisherman instead.

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