Thursday, 30 January 2014

costume change

blog redesign
Hi-di-hi readers. Just a little message to tell you I'm all fired up on the blog front again, pinning and reading blogging tutorials like crazy, taking beginner's courses on html and photoshop (hence the above!!) and even going old-school and buying a book. Please bear with me for a week or so while I do some redesigning!

I have to tell you I'm so fed up with the design of this blog and I feel like I'm writing for me, the writer, rather than you, the reader. It's time to take things up a gear.


  1. I think part of the beauty of blogs is that they are there to indulge the writer - the reader is a visitor - welcome, but not the main event.

    Having said that, there is nothing wrong with a spruce up and re-boot from time to time! Have fun with yours.

  2. Your blog is great just the way it is! I love the design, it is beautiful and elegant and your writing is lovely. But then I am old fashioned and don't like lots of fancy stuff.
    Good luck with the business start up!


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