Thursday, 28 May 2015

An introduction to myself, which is a little odd several years into blogging, but here I am!

I follow a blogger on Instagram named Little Maldod, who is running a lovely project called my Thursday breaktime that I was featured in last week. She has also started a series called little introductions in which instagrammers reveal a little more of their true self behind their online business identities. I joined in and then I thought, why don't I share it here too? In all these years of writing online you've not seen much of me so, here goes, and here's the little snippets about myself that I revealed too...
Hello! Here's nine things you may not know about me:
  1. I was clever enough to get into Cambridge University at 18.
  2. I was stupid enough to get pregnant at 18.
  3. I chose the baby over the university. He's now 16 and I couldn't be more happy with my choice.
  4. I met my husband when my eldest was 5, married when he was 8, moved to the Peak District when he was 10.
  5. I had my 2nd boy when the eldest was 11 & my 3rd boy when he was 13.
  6. I chart my whole adult life by the age my eldest was, since my entire adulthood has been motherhood.
  7. Surrounded by boys, I can be a bit of a girl. I love the little creative domesticities of life, from sewing to baking to flowers to... well you get the picture.
  8. I dream big but I procrastinate and potter. Not the best combination! I have however made my dream of starting a sewing business a reality (Sparrow Stitch).
  9. I am not a natural in front of the camera!


  1. This is lovely x

  2. Thanks Lizzie! Now to work on getting my whole face on the blog. Scary!


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